.. _tutorial_wordpress: Wordpress tutorial ================== 1. Introduction --------------- In this tutorial we will create Worpdress site using docker containers. We will create one container with Mysql database, then we will create database and user for it. After that we will create Wordpress container which is running on Apache. In this tutorial we will use our vagrant environment. We need two virtual machines. One where Solar database and Orchestrator will run and one where we will install Wordpress and all components: 2. Solar installation --------------------- .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/openstack/solar.git cd solar vagrant up solar-dev solar-dev1 vagrant ssh solar-dev cd /vagrant .. note:: For now please assume that all `solar` commands are run from dir `/vagrant` 3. Config resource ------------------ First we need to create Solar Resource definition where global configuration will be stored. This will be a `data container` only, so it will not have any handler nor actions. Let's create base structure: .. code-block:: bash mkdir /tmp/wp_repo mkdir /tmp/wp_repo/1.0.0/wp_config touch /tmp/wp_repo/1.0.0/wp_config/meta.yaml Open meta file `/vagrant/tmp/wp_repo/wp_config/meta.yaml` with your favorite text editor and paste the following data: .. code-block:: yaml handler: none version: 1.0.0 input: db_root_pass: schema: str! value: db_port: schema: int! value: wp_db_name: schema: str! value: wp_db_user: schema: str! value: wp_db_pass: schema: str! value: Let's go through this document line by line. `handler: none` says that this resource has no handler and no actions. In next line we define version. The most important part starts from line 3. We define there the inputs for this resource. It will be possible to configure following inputs: * `db_root_pass` - Mysql root password * `db_port` - Mysql port * `wp_db_name` - database name for Wordpress * `wp_db_user` - database user name for Wordpress * `wp_db_pass` - database user password for Wordpress In schema it's defined if input will be string or integer, `!` at the end means that the input is mandatory and value cannot be empty. 4. Composer file ------------------- All other required resources are already available in solar repositores: `resources` and `templates`. We will use four more resources: * resources/docker - it installs docker * resources/docker_container - it manages docker container * resources/mariadb_db - it creates database in MariaDB and Mysql * resources/mariadb_user - it creates user in MariaDB and Mysql There are three ways to create resources in Solar: Python API, CLI and Composer files. We will use the last option. Composer file is just a simple yaml file where we define all needed resources and connections. Create new file `/vagrant/tmp/wp_repo/docker.yaml`, open it and past the following data: .. code-block:: yaml resources: - id: docker from: resources/docker location: node1 - id: config from: wp_repo/wp_config location: node1 input: db_root_pass: 'r00tme' db_port: 3306 wp_db_name: 'wp' wp_db_user: 'wp' wp_db_pass: 'h4ack' - id: mysql from: resources/docker_container location: node1 input: ip: node1::ip image: mysql:5.6 ports: - config::db_port env: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: config::db_root_pass wait_cmd: computable: func: "mysql -p{{env['MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD']}} -uroot -e 'SELECT 1'" connections: - mysql::env::NO_EVENTS - id: wp_db from: resources/mariadb_db location: node1 input: db_name: config::wp_db_name db_host: mysql::ip login_user: 'root' login_password: config::db_root_pass login_port: config::db_port - id: wp_user from: resources/mariadb_user location: node1 input: user_password: config::wp_db_pass user_name: config::wp_db_user db_name: wp_db::db_name db_host: mysql::ip login_user: 'root' login_password: config::db_root_pass login_port: config::db_port - id: wordpress from: resources/docker_container location: node1 input: ip: node1::ip image: wordpress:latest env: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: mysql::ip WORDPRESS_DB_USER: wp_user::user_name WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: wp_user::user_password WORDPRESS_DB_NAME: wp_db::db_name In block `resources` we define... resources. Each section is one resource. Each resource definition has a following structure: * id - resource name * from - path to resource dir * location - node where resource will be run * values: initialization of a Resource Inputs In `location` we define `node1`. It's name of our virtual machine resource. It's not created yet, we will do it shortly. In our configuration there are two formats which we use to assign values to inputs. First: .. code-block:: yaml db_port: 3306 It just means that input `db_port` will be set to `3306` Another format is: .. code-block:: yaml login_port: config::db_port This means that input `login_port` will have the same value as input `db_port` from resource `config`. In Solar we call it Connection. When value of `db_port` changes, value of `login_port` will also change. `wait_cmd` is special, it's :ref:`computable input `. In `wait_cmd` input we define command which will be used to check if docker container is ready. In this case it's .. code-block:: bash `mysql -pr00tme -uroot -e 'SELECT 1` Password for mysql is defined in config resource and can change at any time. Instead of hard-coding it, computable input is used making this resource more maintainable. When all files are ready we need add created resources to solar repository: .. code-block:: bash solar repo import tmp/wp_repo This command created new solar resource repository. To list resources in this repository run: .. code-block:: bash solar repo show -r wp_repo 5. Deploying ------------ Now it's time to deploy our configuration. When running `vagrant up solar-dev solar-dev1` you started two virtual machines. We will deploy Wordpress on solar-dev1. To do it we need to create a resource for it. We already have in repo composer file which is doing it. Just run: .. code-block:: bash solar resource create nodes templates/nodes count=1 It will create all required resources to run actions on solar-dev1. You can analyze content of `templates/nodes/1.0.0/nodes.yaml` later (that's the source for `templates/nodes`). Now we create resources defined in `docker` .. code-block:: bash solar resource create wp_docker wp_repo/docker Command `create` requires name, but it's not used by Composer. Now you can deploy all changes with: .. code-block:: bash solar changes stage solar changes process solar orch run-once To see deployment progress run: .. code-block:: bash solar orch report Wait until all task will return status `SUCCESS`. When it's done you should be able to open Wordpress site at If it fails, before reporting a bug, please try to retry deployment: .. code-block:: bash solar orch retry last 6. Update --------- Now change password for Wordpress database user .. code-block:: bash solar resource update config wp_db_pass=new_hacky_pass and deploy new changes .. code-block:: bash solar changes stage solar changes process solar orch run-once Using `report` command wait until all tasks finish. Wordpress should still working and new password should be used.